Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Time for Everything

To every day there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven

A time for war

A time for peace

A time to be calm

A time to freak out

A time to slowly go insane

I thought that I'd probably been a bit too sombre of late so something that has a light-hearted side might not go astray. 

Nevertheless, this poor dog looks about to suffer a mental malfunction upon being presented with a stuffed toy version of himself. The face says it all.

Doggie Houston! We have a problem. Can you hear me Major Pug, can you hear, bowwwrrrrrrrrrrrrruuu!

A time for Joy to all beings 
(even insane dogs)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Humble Pie

Life at Humbling Downs

It's good to be humble
it's not good to have a reason to be humble

Joy to all beings

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Iron Mine

Irony and Steal

We have laws which protect the trappings of the wealthy (this might include you) which they, themselves stole from Sri Krsna, the rightful owner.

Iron and Squeal

Funnily enough, these people squeal like skewered pigs if anyone dares to steal from them.


Any wonder we call them strangers!

Joy to all beings

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Great Man

Chief Joseph Not Speak With Forked Tongue

I absolutely adore Chief Joseph of the Nez Pierce. Joseph lived in the USA from 1840 - 1904 and fiercely defended his people's home from the onslaught of the white man. Finally, in desperation he declared, "I am tired of fighting.... from where the sun now stands, I will fight no more."

After seeing so many of his people wiped out he could see no other way.

The popular image we glean from Hollywood is that the American Indians of the wild west were violent savages that killed many a white man. Actually the reverse is closer to the truth. In fact, more Americans died in the American Civil War than in any other war the Americans fought in. They killed more of each other than the Indians ever did, and, the Indians killed very few of the white men compared to the number of Indians that the white man killed.

This is where so much sadness came to Joseph as he saw that even after the fighting had stopped, and confined to useless reservations, hardly capable of sustaining any life, that his people still died in droves from malaria and starvation.

I first heard of Chief Joseph on the album cover of a 1970s vinyl record entitled "All Good Men" by Beaver and Krause, very interesting music although certainly not everybody's cup of tea. I loved it and the more I learned of Chief Joseph, the more I loved Joseph.

Joseph, a man of true integrity and compassion, who became chief of his tribe at the age of 37, died of a broken heart at the age of 64 years, after being cheated by the lies of white men and treated as if a fool, again and again.

Joseph, a simple hearted brahminical minded individual has been quoted as saying many things but the one I love best is this:

"Our fathers gave us many laws, which they had learned from their fathers. These laws were good. They told us to treat all people as they treated us; that we should never be the first to break a bargain; that is was a disgrace to tell a lie; that we should speak only the truth; that it was a shame for one man to take another's wife or his property without paying for it."

I also love this statement which shows the purity of his heart, "The earth and myself are of one mind."

Joy to all beings

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What If

The Meaninglessness of Life

Even if your business of earning money, whether by job, enterpreneurship, sales, marketing, whatever, didn't actually succeed to the max, and you were merely marginally successful, you'd still want to be proud of your success, displaying the trappings you had amassed in an attempt to demonstrate your superiority over those around you.

Pride in oneself is currently the measuring rod of material success. Ego is sufficient motivation to realise the western dream, over and over again, in many cases.

Losing the Human Race

What if you spent your life becoming "successful", in as much as you dedicated your efforts to trying to get as rich and powerful as you could, so you could enjoy a big, fat ego by domineering over others, looking down your nose at the less fortunate of the world, paying employees as little as possible and making a financial killing out of all their hard work, so that you could live in luxury whilst they hardly got by, if at all? What if you achieved this and then you considered yourself to be a member of the elite, a superior person? A success!

Or what if you didn't have any employees of your own, perhaps only a few, but spent your life making a career as a entertainment columnist, a maritime engineer, a politician, a newspaper editor, an ear nose and throat surgeon, a marine biologist, a professional musician, sportsperson or investment advisor, a radiologist, a Microsoft Engineer, a chef, cook or dogwasher, a TV anchorman, a restranteur, a military officer, a construction worker, a petrochemicals executive, a smallgoods manufacturer, a pest exterminator, a receptionist, a bureaucrat, judge, barrister ...

What if you did this and then enjoyed the good things in life, travel, a nice home, a comfortable lifestyle, lots of consumer goods, socialising with others at very attractive venues, a nice vehicle, the best you could afford, private schools for your offspring, nice clothes, etc. What if you worked hard at your chosen enterprise to finance your lifestyle and engaged in all kinds of activities as recreation: sports, dining out, watching TV and films, gambling, BBQs with friends and neighbours, sailing your yacht, making model airplanes; I'm sure we could think of hundreds of examples.

What if you did this with your life when, actually, the true purpose of life was to dedicate oneself to the happiness of others and to work at becoming a better person by raising the level of your consciousness?

What if you were only supposed to work hard enough to gather enough resources to keep body and soul together, and spend the lion's share of your life's energy engaged in helping others to raise their standard of living, and their level of consciousness awareness?

Oh oh ... and you spent your life engaged in creating largesse for yourself.


Wouldn't it be really embarrasing when you came to meet your maker? Wouldn't you feel the real idiot?

Back to Bacteria

Try hard to use your superior brain to remember, because, isn't that what happened the last time you reached the end of your last human life?


That was a long time ago, I know.

It was before you went through close to eight and a half million sub-human species whilst you earned the right to live a human life again. Try to remember, it might be important.

Joy to all beings

Monday, August 22, 2011


Who Will Save the Planet

EO Wilson would like to ... and why not?

NB This video runs for about 20 minuites, make sure you have time and bandwidth

Joy to all beings

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Do It

Vulneration May Follow Immediately

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable - be honest and transparent anyway.
Mother Theresa

Joy to all beings