Hi Folks...
It's me, Terrence, from Tweed Web Design, launching me ugly mug back into the blogosphere in 2008
We enjoyed an interesting visitor to our web development diploma course at Kingscliff TAFE today. Around middday Brendon Sinclair the well known marketing expert from Tailored Consulting, a web design and marketing consultancy on the Gold Coast, as well as author of the Web Design Business Kit from Sitepoint, instructed us eager students in various methods of getting your product into the hands of those who need it. Yes. Need it. We're not salespeople, we're here to provide web solutions, and if you're in business, without doubt, you need a web solution of some description, but ... I digress.
Brendon Sinclair is a truly fascinating speaker, a true blue Aussie (Australian) character with a heart of gold and a personality to match. During the hour or so of his visit to our web design and development classes, Brendon expounded on the actual process of "turning your liabilities into assets" (for those who haven't seen From Here to Eternity, this is a quote from this last century classic movie).
We won't talk too much about everything Brendon spoke about but he seemed very big on understanding what you don't know and outsourcing this part of your process(es). And being a people oriented person, Brendon encouraged us to thank our clients and to make sure that we control our own image as people can turn away from businesses that they fail to trust.
Credibility is a big issue in web design as certain unscrupulous individuals (dare I say firms?) buy themselves a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver and consider themselves web designers.
Of course, the ability to design a web page or two does not qualify one to become a web designer as there is much, much more to be considered besides the mere layout.
As a professional web designer running Tweed Web Design at Murwillumbah, in the subtropical Northern New South Wales of Australia, I am very aware that web design is a nest of different technologies (assuming I can use the word nest without seeming offensive due to the nested tables design debacle of a few short years ago before CSS became popular) not the least of which is web marketing, which is right up Brendon Sinclair's alley and well within his bag of magic tricks.
Since we are here providing solutions for those with problems to overcome, I'd best get at it as a colleague has the need to put those pin markers on Google Maps for his website and looks like I'm the man to do the research.
I'll be back soon with some more tips, tricks, accolades, whatevers, about the never ending saga of Tweed Web Design's dashing exploits with cyber-publishing in the 21st century. Just wanted to let you know about Brendon and give you a link so you can experience a little of his professionalism. Not that Tweed Web Design are any less professional, but we are specialists inclined towards small businesses and startup web needs in and around the Tweed Valley whereas Brendon is Gold Coast based and better suited to bigger businesses.
Thanks Brendon for sharing a few of your insights with us. Grateful indeed.
Bless all souls
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