(I guess All is a proper noun in this case; let me know if it's improper to consider it proper).
My recent conversation with Tony Hogan has prompted me to re-organise the content of this blog into a informational architecture more suited to today's internet. As we, "the Blogger" will do our best to teach you, "the Bloggee", to do tasks that are intended to affect blogs (and websites) of your own, on today's internet, seeing that we the Blogger have years of training and experience that can be of benefit to "all" good bloggees.

The last limit of search engine optomisation.
I recently had a client who was convinced that if his web designer (moi) set up his website according to the principles of SEO (search engine optomisation) that he wouldn't have to market his product because all the good, lovin' search engines would find his site and deliver him as top doggie in search results. Perhaps. If, all the other sites selling the same product were designed without SEO in mind.
Because his product was a sex aid called G-Lover, "googling" the term G-Lover returned 17,500,00 results ALL concerned with persons called Glover, Danny Glover being among them, and other items such as a Nintendo game titled Glover, and somewhere in there ... my client.

OK! Well, at least his opposition wasn't getting the better part of google search. Nevertheless, refining the search criteria to G-Lover and sex (search within results at bottom of google results page), we get a whole lot of sex + AIDS results. Still no client website.
Try again; this time, because G-Lover is a sex aid we try "G-Lover sex aid" as the search term and although we have a couple of results regarding persons named Glover and AIDS we now get my client in 3rd place (out of 77600 results)
Actually, considering the amount of "competition" (Glovers of all descriptions), I think that it's not such a bad result.
What's my point?
SEO does work BUT if you intend to market a product on the web, regardless of whether the price is $0.00 or a small, exorbitant fortune, make sure that your likely search terms don't collide with other, non related search term

Oh! This exercise also showed that my client's opposition didn't have their sites search engine optomised and as a result, they didn't show up in the results at all.

Hmm, getting outa control. Must remember to weed this blog occasionally.
Bless all souls
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