I've sometimes been asked what my blog is actually about. Like, Tony Hogan writes about guitar music, Seth Godin writes about marketing and such stuff, and I blog about whatever is on my mind at the time, assuming I have the time to blog.
There's NEVER any shortage of things to write about as the mind is like a can of worms turning over all the time. Like the situation with transportable liquid fuel (read: oil ... and gas. I guess) wherein we consume heaps of petroleum based products like there's no tomorrow in which our children and their children will have to live, complete with exorbitant fuel prices and heavily polluted environment.
If we really understood how much we are exploiting the gulf countries to uphold our own level of indulgence, I guess we'd cringe with embarrassment, but, not to worry; we're pretty good at just ignoring all the suffering we cause to others, and getting on with the job of making a good lifestyle overflowing with as much of the largess that we are able to cram into our meagre years.
I think therefore I am.
But even if I wasn't, "I'd" probably think just as much as I think now as thinking seems to go on quite well even without me being conscious of it half the time. The duty of the mind is thinking, feeling and willing. The mind does a great job of this, even to the extent of being difficult to control. Impossible might be a better choice of word over difficult.
Nevertheless, thinking, along with ... spacing-out, lost in thought, making plans, wondering, ruminating on some topic, daydreaming, even consciously deliberating are all going on day after endless da

Let's not ruin an otherwise good day
Yeah, I know we don't like to think that we could actually be responsible for our own lives and our own actions, but we can accept or reject ... that's what the mind seems to do ... and we can get on with the great western hemispherical dream.
Love to all beings
1 comment:
Glad to see your still musing and blogging away.
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