Not what is love as much as "How is Love"?
Is love merely the absence of malice or is love more of a positive phenomenom, and not merely the negative of not-love?
This leads me to consider that without active participation, love cannot be said to exist. I mean an apple (or a brick for that matter) is not malicious but that doesn't mean an apple is love (not that it isn't, but that's another topic).
So for love to exist, our heart must actively participate. Like Neil Young said in A Man Needs a Maid, "To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be part of."
Thus we must be pro-active well wishers of those we love (and isn't that everyone according to their ability to accept love, which is the same as their ability to give love). And the more we associate with those who DO love the more we are able to love because it's so much easier to love someone who loves you. It's difficult to love someone who's always giving you a hard time (although it can be done if your love is strong enough).
Love, like a muscle, needs exercise.
How much love are you able to receive?
When you creatively give your kindness in every way that you possibly can then you are capable of receiving that same amount of love and interracting in a loving fashion with others, even with those who don't know the first thing about giving love. My dear Srila Gurudeva and lots of saints down through the ages have proven that this is true.
So, how is love? That's up to you, it's your choice. Look into your heart and find out.
How will you give love? That's up to you, it's your choice. Look into your heart and find out. After all everyone is a child of God, you can love them with all your heart even if you don't have any opportunity to interract with them.
So don't ask yourself "What is love?" Ask yourself "How is love?" Then, looking into your heart, utilise every opportunity to give love to whoever is nearby. Sometimes just letting people be who are are (who they think they are) is all that is necessary. Sometimes, people don't want to interact with you. Sometimes they do.
Give everything you've got to give and you'll always be able to give, even when it looks like there's nobody else there.
So, how is love? Let's find out.
Joy to all beings
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