The Randomisation of Infinite Complexity is Absurdity to the Nth Degree
You find yourself in this life. How did you get here? Random event or according to a plan? Whatever speculations you may have regarding your own origin, the fact remains: you don't know.
Consider for a moment the ramifications of this unenviable situation. What is the probability that this magnificent universe is a random event? Despite what SOME scientists imagine, the probability that this bewilderingly complex existence is of random origin is so infintessimally tiny that for all intents and purposes, it simply couldn't be a random event.
Things You May Not Know
Consider also, if this universe exists, and you and I exist, then other things of which we have no knowledge may also exist.
If a supreme creator can create this universe and all the diversity within it, then this creator must personally contain all the beauty that exists within His creation. He wouldn't be able to create things that he had never imagined.
What the Devil?
So, why are you suffering? Why is there evil in this creation? The fact that this evil exists means that the creator must also have the ability to do evil things. A noble creator capable of creating us and this amazing environment of trees and flowers with exquisite fragrances, of star clusters in technicolour galaxies, and sunsets over wide windswept oceans, must Himself eshew His ability for evil, in lieu of being friendly and favourable to the beings He creates.
If He didn't want us to be happy, we would not only suffer sometimes but all the time and intensely so.
I Rabid
Thus it makes sense that wars, famines, murder, exploitation, domination and cruelty are our inventions, and the suffering that ensues from these evil activities is our just reward. At some stage, somewhere, somehow, we have earned both our happiness and our suffering.
It would appear then, to the thinking being that life is a training ground, a school, a theatre of experiences wherein we can arrive at similar conclusions to those of our creator and accordingly live our lives in such a way that they are filled with beauty; with kindness, with friendship, generosity and empathy for others.
Thus, according to the appreciation of our creator, surely we would find ourselves surrounded by a society who's mentality is of a similar mood to ours.
A Purposeful Direction
Armed with this understanding we can begin to persue the purpose of our lives. We can understand that since our benign God has created us, then we must share at least some of His attributes.
Wanting to be kind to others and have others be kind to us is a commonplace yearning. We all care for our friends and we feel distressed when others create conflict for us. We don't seek conflict unless we are maddened by anger, distorted by envy, tortured by hatred, controlled by fear, or our intelligence usurped by lusty greed.
These evil vices are to be abandoned by the intelligent person who wishes happiness for himself and for others. Let kindness become our new paradigm, accepting violence and harshness only as methods of last resort, and if our creator Himself is moved to acts of kindness, then surely a humble prayer requesting forgiveness for our mistakes and assistance in finding our way forward toward our true nature would not go in vain.
Pure Purpose Proposed
And would He not reveal to those who seek Him, various scriptures detailing the path to happiness according to the different beings' ability to understand and to follow? Scriptures that would only be attractive to and understood by one whose purity of intent matched the express outcome of following said scriptures.
And, being of His creation, would we not find that His way of life is inately relevant and wholesomely attractive to our hearts and souls?
Would we not experience His amazing grace first hand? His kind hearted, generous reciprocation to our fumbling efforts to re-invent ourselves according to His instructions. Would we not accellerate way past faith, into the realm of actual knowledge of the existence of, and of the very nature of God? Our souls, nurtured and nourished by His love, would we not be brimming over with gratitude and joy? Of course we would!
Let 'er Rip, 'tater Chip
Let fear vanish as we take shelter of the kindness our our well-wishing friend and creator, and boldly stride forward towards our goal, our hearts filled with compassion for others less fortunate than ourselves, overflowing with respect for all beings, especially those who, by their own acts of compassion and kindness, have attracted the mercy of our loving friend, dear Lord and creator.
Joy to all beings
1 comment:
Hare Krsna Tarun Krsna-ji
This is Narasingha das - my email is
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