Friday, October 31, 2008
Hi there...
I know, I know, it's been a while and well, the life of an intrepid web designer is not always his own; life conspires to distract one from ones duties/responsibilities/pleasures (strike out as applicable).
Nevertheless, at least in the northern hemisphere, it's Halloween today (is that tonight, Igor?), despite the fact that here in the southern hemisphere, if one were a witch, and I'm not saying that you are a witch, only that you could be a witch if you wanted to be ... no, that sounds wrong. Only that you might be a witch, that's wrong too. OK. You're a witch if that's your desire, only you don't actually look like a witch when I see you dressed in your civvies. Make sense? Perhaps not, but after all, it is Halloween and tonight we're coming for you to take you to the Beltane festival, ha ha that stunned ya. Beltane is the Springtime witch festival whereas Halloween is the Autumn fessie. An' it ain't Autumn here babe!
Hopin' to get back to the blogos-FEAR real soon,
Bless all souls
Friday, October 3, 2008
Praise de Lord
There are so many foolish people who think that they have the right to tell others how to act when they themselves haven't overcome their own envy. Envy is when you wish anything but happiness upon another person, even if they deserve it. Yeah, sometimes we gotta uphold the law, but that's a different topic of discussion. Here we are discussing a Jamaican catholic parish worshiping God with plenty of rhythm thrown into the hymn.
So while we art on the subject of Jamaica (see previous post, if inclined), it cometh as no surprise to me that many people criticised this YouTube video of a parish worshipping the Lord as they, the Jamaicans see fit, because ignorance is often passed off as religiosity. I am not trying to be critical here myself, I just wish we could negotiate like friends unless there is the threat of a clear and present lethal danger.
I think it's fabulous that the Jamaicans combine their rhythm with their worship and I encourage everyone to worship God in whatever way they can.
The brunt of the criticism appears to be from three parish musicians in another parish in another country (possibly on another planet by the sound of things) who didn't like the Jamaicans' music. It seems like only people who have some marketable musical talent are permitted to go to Heaven these days. And who's to say that the Jamaicans can only make purgatory at very best?
Though shalt learn to sing and stay in time or else.
Do Chopin and Beethoven get special treatment by the Lord? How about Alice Cooper or Marylin Manson? Not sure those guys can actually sing but people buy their work. I actually saw Alice Cooper's Welcome to my Nightmare tour whilst he was performing in Sydney in the 70s and I enjoyed his concert immensely. I wonder if God did, I hope for Alice's sake that He did, we wouldn't want another nightmare.
In the aftermath of all this nonsense there was even a comment on the Daily Telegraph website wherein the Jamaican worship was reported, regarding the blame being with the catholic church for having made a mistake of policy regarding the frequency that baptisms could be held during the Reformation in England in 1549 due to concern over high rates of infant mortality. Aparently protestants murdered somewhere between 4000 and 5500 Catholics because they disagreed with the church policy. Whatever happened to negotiation? Amazing.
All this criticism because of a funky song that did nobody any harm at all. Chee!
Murder in the Cathedral?
But think about this: if I murder you because the catholic church made a decision with which I disagree, is the catholic church to blame for the murder or am I to blame?
I would be to blame. The catholic church didn't murder anyone. One individual murders another individual. The catholic church may have been in error but people murder people ... institutions don't murder people.
Ignorance makes people thicker than a truck driver's sandwich.
So unfortunately, despite his cynical tongue, I am once again forced to agree with Mark Twain in that if these critical people are representative of the people who are going to Heaven, then Hell seems to be a more attractive place.
I think this statement speaks volumes, ie: God's not stupid enough to make Hell more attractive than Heaven so these critic guys have gotta be the ones who've got it wrong. C'mon guys, God is about love and acceptance, not criticism.
Twain's actual quote (I believe) was "Heaven for climate, Hell for society" ... but you get my drift all the same as it means much the same thing.
Bless all souls
Occidental Pollution
I was half dreaming whilst dawn's left hand was in the sky (oops, apologies to Omar Khayyam) about a fisherman who caught a huge hammerhead shark off the south western coast of Jamaica near Savanna La Mar.
View Larger Map
He wanted to show off his catch and thus he put it on a trolley and with the help of friends and acquaintances he set off to drag it to the market place.
On the way to the marketplace they passed a group of Chinese tourists out for a morning constitutional. The shark, though apparently dead, was still alive and reached out and bit off the tip of the little finger of one of the Chinese tourists and then the shark immediately fell dead.
Does this indicate that everything coming out of China these days is highly toxic or is this just another repeat of the Olympics displaying the amazing prowess of the Chinese people?
Whether the former or the later, we've got to get back to simplifying our lives to protect this amazingly beautiful planet and thus make a little girl happy (Severn Suzuki). What more important task could there be to augment our lives? Let's make the planet green once more and breathe easy knowing that we are more than exploitative consumers. Let's be friends with people that we'll never meet by helping them to eat, sleep and breathe. Let's show love in our every moment. Don't just save the whales, save the sharks and everybody else besides.
Bless all souls
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Post for Tony Hogan
This blog, having no formal direction, might well be the journal of a lost soul, living outside the box but trying to think inside the box as people who live inside but think outside do well for themselves but those who live outside are usually aliens like myself. Thinking inside the box does not come naturally but to live in an inside the box world means one needs to be able to think like insiders to be able to mesh. Jerry Garcia, one outsider who made it on his own terms until they eventually overcame him, is the subject of this blog entry.
Despite having a copy of Anthem of the Sun purchased around 1968-9 in Sydney and being a big fan of the Mars Hotel album I could hardly be considered a deadhead. Phil Gottenschick once gave me a Sam Cutler biz card which I dearly loved till I misplaced it somewhere, but I still thought of Jerry and the boys as somewhat untidy and a bit too loose at times, although Jerry's unique guitar sound was a personal signature second to almost none.
However, last evening or the one before a friend and I were YouTubing the hours away and he searched for Greatful Dead. Afer a couple of the usual dead style music tracks he said "What's this Terrapin Station?", I replied, "Grab it, I heard that once, somewhere and really liked it."
Well lo and behold, it turned out to be better than I remembered. If Stairway to Heaven was the best that Zeppelin could turn out (some would argue Kashmir) and if Goats Head Soup was the Stones best album, Concerto de Arunjez at Sydney Opera House was John Williams at his best, Astrakan Cafe Anour Brahem's best album, and Comfortably Numb was Floyd's best track, again others might argue Money, personally I like the sax in Us and Them, but I do digress and humbly offer profuse apologies.
So following this line of thought, I thunk to meself that this Terrapin Station would have to be the best that the Grateful Dead ever came up with (yes, despite Trucking and Casey Jones), and with over 55000 hours of Jerry Garcia recorded - yes that's true, the Dead almost never stopped touring for 30 years and just about every concert was recorded (Nice trivia?) - that's quite a big trump card to be the best in a deck of that size.
Anyhow I leave you to make up your own mind about this track, but I still like it heaps.
Dark Stars follow a dead course
Also I give full marks for this version by Dark Star Orchestra (with a name like that they gotta be deadheads)
They can't match the Dead, maybe they could be zombies if they tried, but I think that they might find a place in music history eventually despite that young rhythm guitarist's lack of confidence in the beginning.
AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, the founder Acharya of ISKCON (read Hare Krishnas) said that as a man thinks he speaks. Well, it ain't hard to figure out what's been on my little biddy mind today.
Bless all souls
Monday, September 29, 2008
speeding is fine
Take the time to smell the flowers
It's quite possible that people traveling faster than light can't see where they're going.
Makes sense.
Bless all souls
Sunday, September 28, 2008
PHP on Blogger
It occurred to me that since Blogger was a CMS and probably powered by PHP, it would be possible to use PHP code on Blogger. One way to find out. So from here we go to the "Edit Html" tab and write some code.
See ya soon...
$multiply = 12*12;
echo '
echo $multiply;
echo '
And maybe they're even in their own paragraph. Cool. The only way to test it is to publish it as just navigating to the "Compose" tab tells us nothing of any value.
Fingers crossed. NB: I didn't include the php tags as I figured that Blogger would've already included them. Let's find out. We should have the number 144 included on the page if it works.
OK OK. Didn't run any PHP code and to make matters worse Blogger strips out the paragraph tags (but it runs them as html tags) ... try again>>>>
This time with the php tags.
echo $multiply;
echo '';
Well it didn't strip out the php tags, it just didn't process the variable.
echo $multiply;
echo '';
Blogger gets uselesser and uselesser.
Whadda 'bouta simple one...
Seems to leave in the closing php tag so why not leave it out and see if anything useful happens. Next we'll google it if nothing exciting happens.
How do I use Blogger to process php
Well that CSS worked, even included the line-height of 45px necessary due to making the h1 40px in height ... otherwise they're all scrunched up, however, the PHP doesn't work, perhaps the Blogger software is saving the pages as html which won't run PHP, worth a think about ... let's go to Google and see what we can find out (notice the capital G that time. That's because this time Google is a noun and last time google was a verb).
OK nothing of any consequence at first glance. Either I am useless or Blogger is useless, I prefer the latter, not so hard to live with.
I did find something interesting though at Actually only half of something interesting about using Blogger to create XML websites, hmm, might have to buy that book.
I read the first bit then clicked the link to and found a whole lot of lesbian dating sites. Not much use to me since I'm a male ... and a male one at that.
I am due at a friend's place to do some Sunday arvi gardening. Better go>>>>
Oh by the way.... Up the mighty Hawks. Good one boys. What's Tasmania got to do with it? Easy to see that I am not actually a Hawthorn fan. The Adeliade Crows are our team and always will be even when things are not so good for them, but all the same AFL is THE game no matter what the Pommies (in their deluded mental chaos) might think (I'm sure some of them must think).
So bearing a look of chagrin regarding not getting PHP to run nicely (er, at all), the intrepid designer from Tweed Web Design bids you farewell. Later on we'll try some ... wait for it .... JavaScript, maybe even AJAX. Maybe we ought to just waste this much time playing with Joomla ... probably get better results.
Bless all souls
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wordpress is KING
Wordpress is KING
I've had a busy week at Tweed Web Design researching Hotel Booking software and I think I've come up with the perfect solution. I'll keep that to myself for now, unless you want a website that requires booking software. Contact me if you do.
OK OK, after researching methods of setting up a categories function in Blogger I have found a couple of ways, neither of which are very appealing, but one will probably be deployed at a later date. Just want to explore Blogger itself to see if there's a more intuitive method than the ways I found from Googling the term.
So I have come to the conclusion that for serious "bloggers" Blogger is tantamount to useless. If all you want is an online diary that nobody ever reads then Blogger is for you. Otherwise, Wordpress would be a great choice since Wordpress is King of the blogging software.
There are other blog softwares that we could utilise to blog our blogs but the consensus seems to be that Wordpress is the king of blog software.
Nevertheless, we will continue to explore Blogger and see what we can make it do. There's always something can be done but the problem we are likely to encounter is that it won't be as easy as click and done, it will be stuff around stuff around stuff around and there, I knew we could do it.
So just for fun, when time is available we'll get the Blogger thing happening and Blogger a blog to bloggery.
Bless all souls
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Blog exploration begins at Blogger
We have just commenced a new blog entitled Blog100-1 to explore and find out just what, if anything can be done with this wretched blogging software. We've purposely started with that awful black background ... yes, we'll change that shortly.
The purpose of this is twofold. Me learn - you learn. We share experience. Why bother? Because Google is closely related to Blogger.
That's all I am gonna write today since I keep getting a message "Autosave failed". Told you Blogger was wretched.
Bless all souls
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Just a quick post to let people know that I still exist. My doctor gave me some tablets that realy WRECK me. I have stopped taking them. Too hard to think. By a day or two I'll be back in action.
OK so I have been having a love affair with j-fusion. Not sure what that is? Check out this clip of Trix playing "Recollection". Love that geetar. AND he's having heaps of fun. The keyboard player really rocks too. In fact they all do.
Of course, not for everybody so for Tony Hogan here's Sid Jacobs. I left a link to this guy on your blog but you get 55000 comments a month so it's quite possible that you didn't see it.
OK so I gotta do things, don't ask how...
Bless all beings
PS I hope to be here with some real stuff real soon.
Keep on lovin' McLovin
Friday, September 5, 2008
Chrome is toxic
We all know that chrome is a toxic metal utilised by the body in trace amounts but the new Google Chrome browser is quite poisonous.
I turn my computer on in the morning and it stays on till about 9 or 10 pm, sometimes later ... it's on more than 12 hours per day. These last 2 days I have watched the Zone Alarm firewall block the Google Installer about 30 to 40 times. I 'googled' the search "is chrome spyware" and got some very interesting results. Try it yourself.
Try these fellas>>>>
4 Responses to “Google unveils Chrome, the browser (spyware) we were waiting for” problems with Chrome
Carpetbomb bug tarnishes Google Chrome
by Marianna Schmudlach - 9/3/08 7:30 AMIn reply to: Google Chrome Browser URL Handler Crash by Marianna Schmudlach
Shiny new vulnerabilities winkled out already
By John Leyden
Published Wednesday 3rd September 2008
Google Chrome isn't officially out yet, but security researchers have already picked the browser apart to discover a security vulnerability.
The WebKit engine used inside Chrome leaves it vulnerable to the infamous Safari carpetbombing flaw, security researcher Aviv Raff warns. The flaw stems from a combination of a vulnerability in Apple Safari WebKit and a Java security bug, security blogger Ryan Naraine reports.
Google Chrome Browser Automatic File Download
by Marianna Schmudlach - 9/3/08 11:25 AMIn reply to: VULNERABILITIES \ FIXES - September 3, 2008 by Marianna Schmudlach
Google's new Web browser (Chrome) allows files (e.g., executables) to be automatically downloaded to the user's computer without any user prompt.
The information has been provided by nerex.
The original article can be found at:
However I am no authority on these things BUT I do earn a fair swag of my living on the net so using a browser occupies a fair portion of my day.
I will say that I get the feeling that sales of Hijack This will go through the roof and that I will keep Chrome for a while. If it proves useful, I'll keep it just for testing websites I build. It is highly unlikely that Chrome will ever become my default browser ... I didn't actually feel very impressed when using it and it lacks things I look for in my browser. Long live Firefox. Slow to load it may be but I only load it once or twice a day ... what's a few seconds wait for the world's best browser (otherwise). Looks like the fox's diet is about to get a lot richer than it has been
Bless all souls
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Search Engine Optomist
(I guess All is a proper noun in this case; let me know if it's improper to consider it proper).
My recent conversation with Tony Hogan has prompted me to re-organise the content of this blog into a informational architecture more suited to today's internet. As we, "the Blogger" will do our best to teach you, "the Bloggee", to do tasks that are intended to affect blogs (and websites) of your own, on today's internet, seeing that we the Blogger have years of training and experience that can be of benefit to "all" good bloggees.
The last limit of search engine optomisation.
I recently had a client who was convinced that if his web designer (moi) set up his website according to the principles of SEO (search engine optomisation) that he wouldn't have to market his product because all the good, lovin' search engines would find his site and deliver him as top doggie in search results. Perhaps. If, all the other sites selling the same product were designed without SEO in mind.
Because his product was a sex aid called G-Lover, "googling" the term G-Lover returned 17,500,00 results ALL concerned with persons called Glover, Danny Glover being among them, and other items such as a Nintendo game titled Glover, and somewhere in there ... my client.
OK! Well, at least his opposition wasn't getting the better part of google search. Nevertheless, refining the search criteria to G-Lover and sex (search within results at bottom of google results page), we get a whole lot of sex + AIDS results. Still no client website.
Try again; this time, because G-Lover is a sex aid we try "G-Lover sex aid" as the search term and although we have a couple of results regarding persons named Glover and AIDS we now get my client in 3rd place (out of 77600 results)
Actually, considering the amount of "competition" (Glovers of all descriptions), I think that it's not such a bad result.
What's my point?
SEO does work BUT if you intend to market a product on the web, regardless of whether the price is $0.00 or a small, exorbitant fortune, make sure that your likely search terms don't collide with other, non related search terms.
Oh! This exercise also showed that my client's opposition didn't have their sites search engine optomised and as a result, they didn't show up in the results at all.
Hmm, getting outa control. Must remember to weed this blog occasionally.
Bless all souls
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ananda Samvada
It's been nearly a week since I have had the chance to update this blog, due to working so very, very hard on a project which a godbrother and I create jointly. He is editor and I am publisher. It works well. See it at:
Ananda Samvada
I also mentioned to Urshula Beere that I would put Severn Suzuki's address to the United Nations' World Environmental Council on here tonight so here:
This girl just breaks my little heart with the sweetness of her little heart.
On other topics, I have already got together tomorrow's post regarding how to go about the first steps of getting online whether via a website or a blog. I had a discussion with Tony Hogan today on the way home regarding these upcoming posts and he's given me some excellent direction regarding blogging and websites in general. Thanks Tony. For those who don't know Tony, he's not only an accomplished guitarist but also teaches nerdy folks how to do internetty stuff. He's very good with Flash.
I am hoping that being on dialup for a day or two won't present a big problem. Wish us luck. We're actually on dialup as I speak, the last preview took ages to load young Severn. Fingers crossed....
So, hopefully, CU2morrow
Bless all souls
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Target your audience
Wow! What a weekend. Krishna Janmastami on Sunday and ISKCON founder acharya Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's birthday on Monday.
Curious? See Pure for a good overview of what Krishna is about.
Thus Tuesday has arrived very quickly.
We want to get people to get their butts on to our website. "Butt" HOW??
We gave you a few good tips a few days ago so you have already told a lot of people who now know about your personal or (more likely) business website.
Knowing who is going to purchase your product (or read your info if yours is an informational website) is half way to getting the website to them. Who is the audience that you believe wants what you offer? (Let's hope we don't mind doing a bit of research here).
Let's consider why we built a website. Just what are the objectives of your site? Sell products, yes, that's good. What products and to whom? Selling imported Frogs-legs and Truffles from Nice to upmarket restaurants and the Adelaide cafe and wine tasting chardonnay set? Good. we're getting specific. Now we won't market to the wrong audience. (You just try importing truffles, hope you've got a big bankroll).
Consider who wants to purchase your products and where you can find THEM.
Now you know who and where, let's think about how. Cold calling might help, also brochures given to restauranteurs detailing your quality product and how it will assist them make money (and whatever else). How about Google Adwords? (that's a whole study course in itself these days). Consider exhibiting at trade fairs.
In any case you need to develop a market strategy that is aimed at getting your product to the persons who NEED it. We're not trying to put your product into the hands of people who can't appreciate it ... we're getting it into the hands of those who will LOVE it, talk about it, share it with friends ... in short, bring you more custom.
Getting your product out there plus turning a worthwhile profit means a lot of careful planning and thinking.
'nuff 4 now.
Bless all souls
Drop in at Tweed Web Design for a look around and ask a few questions. You might be surprised how easy it all is.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Evernote is an online "notebook" that can synchronise whatever you care to save to it from your mobile phone, your home pc (or mac if your one of those mac people) and your (or anybody's) browser, so you never have to forget anything, ever.
Evernote can save all sorts of memories: websites, text, photographs and even search text in photographs. Handy when you use your phone to snap a shot of a cool restaurant (just tag it food or restaurant or yummy or whatever tag makes sense to you) and it's easy to find it again when you're out looking for an eatery, or emailing a friend about the cool restaurant; if only you could remember the name of it. Well now you can.
Check it on out and sign up at for a FREE 40mb account, or if you think you need it it's only $5.00 per month for a cool 500mb per month.
How good is your memory NOW?
Bless all souls
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How to be seen
OK!! The simple answer is to include your website address on every bit of business office stationery that you have.
That is:
- Your business card
- Letterheads
- Invoices and receipts
- Brochures and other promotional material
But what about:
- T-shirts
- Coffee cups
- Biros
- Matchboxes and cards
- All emails (in your signature)
- On the back of any greeting cards that you send
- On your store/premises window (if applicable)
Another way is to start a blog and blog about what you're good at so as to show people that you do know what you're talking about, and that you are actually quite good at your chosen field of endeavour.
This is just the beginning. There are lots of ways to promote your online presence. More to come later.
Bless all souls
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1000 pardons please velly much
It seems that apart from playing with the design functionality of Blogger blogs I have been neglecting my blog in favour of spending time with friends and watching the Beijing Olympics on the telly.
I really shouldn't apologise for such behavior, after all the Olympics are on only once in each 4 year period, and totally fascinating to watch.
So that's about it for one August day with so many things crying out to be done in the life of today's busy web designer, after being at Kingscliff TAFE nearly all day getting an education (despite already being the local experts at web design) so we at Tweed Web Design can bring you lots more expertise.
Maybe tomorrow we'll actually have some real blog content such as tips on how to get your website found. C ya.
Oh by the way ... setting up the little pins on a Google Map was easy peasey.
Try this BIG MAP .. a bit off centre but that's easy to fix. Next time we know better.
The "View Larger Map" link actually takes you to a smaller map. Must remember to remove that link.
Bless all souls
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Valuable people
Well, despite the Olympics some of us have lives to lead ...
As our clients are the sum and substance of our business in good times and in lean, we really ought to make sure that they are aware of how much they mean to us.
As such we would like to thank all of Tweed Web Design's customers, past, present and future for helping us to remain viable. We especially would like to thank our customer of the year, Zarina from one of our most important accounts as I believe that she is one of the loveliest persons on this planet, as visitors to their fine establishment will confirm.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to a wonderful family that I respect very much. A look at their vision statement gives a clue to where their values lie.
"Our vision is to act as a force for good throughout the world. We achieve this goal through Education, Ecology and Ethics, and sharing our love for the Australian natural environment and celebrating the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world."
We, at Tweed Web Design, think that statement speaks volumes, and in appreciation we've have created the Tweed Web Design "Thank You" digital plaque which will be personally mailed along with a link to this blog.
Much appreciated Gilles, Zarina and family for being thoughtful, caring and intelligent people; if only more people shared your values and your love of life and fellow inhabitants of our amazing green planet.
Bless all souls
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thank you Brendon Sinclair
Hi Folks...
It's me, Terrence, from Tweed Web Design, launching me ugly mug back into the blogosphere in 2008
We enjoyed an interesting visitor to our web development diploma course at Kingscliff TAFE today. Around middday Brendon Sinclair the well known marketing expert from Tailored Consulting, a web design and marketing consultancy on the Gold Coast, as well as author of the Web Design Business Kit from Sitepoint, instructed us eager students in various methods of getting your product into the hands of those who need it. Yes. Need it. We're not salespeople, we're here to provide web solutions, and if you're in business, without doubt, you need a web solution of some description, but ... I digress.
Brendon Sinclair is a truly fascinating speaker, a true blue Aussie (Australian) character with a heart of gold and a personality to match. During the hour or so of his visit to our web design and development classes, Brendon expounded on the actual process of "turning your liabilities into assets" (for those who haven't seen From Here to Eternity, this is a quote from this last century classic movie).
We won't talk too much about everything Brendon spoke about but he seemed very big on understanding what you don't know and outsourcing this part of your process(es). And being a people oriented person, Brendon encouraged us to thank our clients and to make sure that we control our own image as people can turn away from businesses that they fail to trust.
Credibility is a big issue in web design as certain unscrupulous individuals (dare I say firms?) buy themselves a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver and consider themselves web designers.
Of course, the ability to design a web page or two does not qualify one to become a web designer as there is much, much more to be considered besides the mere layout.
As a professional web designer running Tweed Web Design at Murwillumbah, in the subtropical Northern New South Wales of Australia, I am very aware that web design is a nest of different technologies (assuming I can use the word nest without seeming offensive due to the nested tables design debacle of a few short years ago before CSS became popular) not the least of which is web marketing, which is right up Brendon Sinclair's alley and well within his bag of magic tricks.
Since we are here providing solutions for those with problems to overcome, I'd best get at it as a colleague has the need to put those pin markers on Google Maps for his website and looks like I'm the man to do the research.
I'll be back soon with some more tips, tricks, accolades, whatevers, about the never ending saga of Tweed Web Design's dashing exploits with cyber-publishing in the 21st century. Just wanted to let you know about Brendon and give you a link so you can experience a little of his professionalism. Not that Tweed Web Design are any less professional, but we are specialists inclined towards small businesses and startup web needs in and around the Tweed Valley whereas Brendon is Gold Coast based and better suited to bigger businesses.
Thanks Brendon for sharing a few of your insights with us. Grateful indeed.
Bless all souls
September 3, 2008 at 4:52 am
Run as far away from a Google binary as you can!!! Google is in the business of intelligence gathering and putting their software on your computer is utter suicide for your privacy and security.
September 3, 2008 at 12:49 pm
I tried running the Chrome installer. It only got as far as telling me it wasn’t suitable for my system (Windows 2000), but it had already installed a hidden “updater” program (i.e. spyware) in the Local Settings folder, set to be run every reboot (and stay resident). I discovered it when the firewall trapped it trying to phone home, and removed it with HijackThis.
This browser is seriously bad news - avoid!