Summertime & the Livin' Should Be So Easy
Spring has come and gone and all in the blink of an eye. That's how your whole life goes by. You think that life lasts a long time but actually it's just a speck in an ocean of infinite time. So many sorry lives have already come and gone in this eternal parade of distress and happiness. Just as summer follows spring, death follows birth, distress follows happiness, around and around.
Why live for that person who is not even you? You are not this temporary body, you are a beautiful eternal loving servant of God, you don't even belong in this earthly realm. Happiness is your nature but you have forsaken you own true being to try to enjoy independently; not working out very well, is it? So sad.
The Winter of our Disconnect
The saddest possible loss for the servant of the Supreme Lord is to lose the nectar of service to the divine feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Any wonder life can seem so dry and empty. And millions upon millions of spirit souls are suffering here in this useless world, trying to deny their own nature simply to appease their stupid pride. Pretend happiness, that's all the life of pride can ever be.
Humility is actually more enjoyable than pride, pride is a lose-lose situation, humility is win-win. The nectar of humbly serving our wonderful friends Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga Mahaprabhu is millions of times sweeter than any pride.
Live only for that nectar, drown in the ocean of divine nectar and forget the sad miserliness of being disconnected from pure love. Chant
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
as often as you can and in a humble mood and you'll definitely find out how to be real, for you actually are the cherished friend and servant of He who is the ocean of divine joy. Believe it, it's true.
Your suffering is caused by denying your true nature. Find out how you can come to your eternal home where every word is a song and every step is a dance. An eternal realm wherein there is no suffering nor death.
Try it and see, chant the Holy Names of Krishna and you can experience the nectar of devotional happiness here, even in this world, but please be ever so humble when you chant.
Come Dance with Me
You could be bubbling with mirth, dancing with tears of happiness flowing from your eyes from the joy of giving with an intense love within every fibre of your being; so why are you wasting your life suffering here?
Joy to all beings
Ekadasi 2nd December 2010
And don't forget to chant.