With Uma Didi visiting from India (more on that in another post, later), our local hare krishna community has been caught up in a flurry of activity rather than a flurry of snowflakes.
Although I didn't attend Uma Didi's programme yesterday (Chrissy day) there was still much to do and I didn't get to wish everyone a Merry Christmas on this here blog, except for the "tongue in cheeky" Happy Christmas greetings of Christmas eve; anyway I'm taking the opportunity now to wish everyone a Merry Christmas even though it's boxing day.
Is that Marquis De Queensbury rules boxing, Thai kick boxing, shadow boxing or just plain putting things in boxes, perhaps the carcasses of those who didn't survive the excesses of Christmas day? The mind often boggles, especially on boxing day.
For hare krishna devotees, there is little in the way of excess and even Christmas, which, although a western tradition that is difficult to eradicate in my somewhat otherworldly mind, is more of a time to catch up with family rather than to imbibe and indulge.
As I recently pointed out to my Aunty who has been a Catholic nun for most of her 85 years on Earth, Christmas is a time of loving and giving so for hare krishna devotees everyday is Christmas day.
wuv ya
Joy to all beings

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