Some people find the suffering in their lives to be too much to bear and so they suicide, others, reluctant to take such a drastic step wait patiently for their impending death. Some hide in an alcoholic daze or a quasi-comatose state induced by some or other drug of ignorance, awaiting death within this "cocoon" of ignorance.
The shelves of the "supermarket of life" are lined with arrays of objects and methods of, at least temporarily, ignoring the pain, drudgery, conflict, and sheer misery of this disappointing material life.
Pain is caused
Many of these things, such as parties and street parades, fairs, music, films, fashion, family, status including beauty, fame and knowledge, travel and sightseeing, as well as shopping, even eating, etc are considered to be the happiness of life; alas, they are merely a way of ignoring the unhappiness that material life creates. In most cases they are actually the cause of more suffering.
Stealing is a crime
If one walks into a department store and assumes that nobody owns the merchandise displayed therein and decides to help his or herself to the "goodies", that person will be apprehended and punished for said crime.
This world does not belong to us. It is here so that we may experience the joy of utilising it in the service of God, krsna, who owns it and Who indeed, owns us. Do not assume that it is for your enjoyment. That is an error and errors cause suffering.
To understand how to utilise one's life in the service of the Lord, chant
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This way you can commence relishing the joy that is meant to be yours. Service to the will of God is real happiness, all else is folly.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This way you can commence relishing the joy that is meant to be yours. Service to the will of God is real happiness, all else is folly.
Thus, those who look forward to an end to suffering at, and after, the time of death, having spent their lives ignoring the true possibilities of having taken human birth will surely be disappointed.
Human intelligence
It is extremely difficult for animals to realise anything about their existence, but humans are blessed with a finer intelligence and can easily understand the purpose of life with guidance from a bona fide spiritual guide.
Pain does not cease at death
Pain does not stop at death, in most cases pain increases at, and after, death. Only those who have spent a large portion of their life engaged in the pursuit of a pure heart and in favourably serving the Lord of all life will experience any permanent lessening of their pain at death.
Most others will experience a dramatic increase in pain.
How are you spending your life?
Joy to all beings

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