There's a war in Africkinstan
It's drivin' me mad
Had to sell my dog
To buy some fuel
So I could go for a drive
But I still
and I will
got my momma to sell
But now it's alright
I'm feelin' so fine
Cos I'm drivin' in my caddilac
Cos I'm drivin' in my caddilac
It cost me my puppy
but that's alright
Feels fine in my mind
Cos I'm not a bad person
like those crazy terrorist fools
out there
in their
Africkinstan hell
But now it's alright
I'm feelin' so fine
Cos I'm drivin' in my caddilac
Cos I'm drivin' in my caddilac
Prompted by the lively discussions on Raghava Pandit's Backtobhakti Bhakti Sangha Development article I wrote this "silly" poem to highlight the problems that can occur when we, ourselves create conflict, and then when others, feeling oppressed and abused, retaliate in kind, and we blame them as the source of the conflict, never once realising that we, ourselves, created the conflict.
A little introspection can go a long way towards seeing the truth.
Joy to all beings

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