Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1000 pardons please velly much

Hi hello...

It seems that apart from playing with the design fun
ctionality of Blogger blogs I have been neglecting my blog in favour of spending time with friends and watching the Beijing Olympics on the telly.

I really shouldn't apologise for such behavior, after all the Olympics are on only once in each 4 year period, and totally fascinating to watch.

Olympic Medal Count for Australia on 19th August at 6 PM:

Gold: Silver: Bronze:

11 10 12

So that's about it for one August day with so many things crying out to be done in the life of today's busy web designer, after being at Kingscliff TAFE nearly all day getting an education (despite already being the local experts at web design) so we at Tweed Web Design can bring you lots more expertise.

Maybe tomorrow we'll actually have some real blog content such as tips on how to get your website found. C ya.

Oh by the way ... setting up the little pins on a Google Map was easy peasey.


Try this BIG MAP .. a bit off centre but that's easy to fix. Next time we know better.
The "View Larger Map" link actually takes you to a smaller map. Must remember to remove that link.

Bless all souls

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