Sunday, June 26, 2011

Time to Think

Does Time Exist?

I recently watched a documentary wherein (some would say God Himself :] ) Morgan Freeman asks the question "Does time exist?"

I postulate that spaceship Earth, travelling through space, is also a "time machine", and when we get to our destination time will stop. we will then experience ABSOLUTE TIME :)

What's that like. I don't know, I don't have enough memory to remember, assuming that I've ever experienced it before.

I can't possibly prove that what I said above is the truth, but let me remind you that much of what we accept as true is merely held to be true if, statistically, the probability of the "truth" falls within acceptable, statistical confidence levels.

Then it is true.

Until something else gets proven to be "more true", then THAT'S true. It's, well, relatively true.

We don't experience absolute truth at our current level of consciousness, not at this time.

So, does absolute truth exist within absolute time?


Joy to all beings

Friday, June 24, 2011

To Deplore or Not to Deplore

Deploratory Exploration

If one does the deplorable, surely one will be deplored.

Fraud is deplorable

In a continuation of a series of comments / replies on a previous topic

I would like to consider a situation wherein we simply accept one another as we are, whether we agree or not. Real evildoers (in theory, there's that word again) will be executed by the authorities. Not much we can do about that. It's a necessity. Minor cheating is going on everywhere. Not a lot we can do about that either. Clean up our own backyard sounds fruitful.

Science Without a Doubt

So this brings me to the question of are scientists likely to cheat, especially by trying to devalue each other's work to permit more credit to themselves. Scientists would probably disagree, lab rats would probably agree. Vedic wisdom teaches us that we are all cheats and that's why we find ourselves in this painful environment (looks like heaven, feels like hell, that's what I say).

Scientists, like the rest of us, have a similar set of frailties. Some are better some are worse. That's not to say that we can't accept them as much as we accept anyone else. My old friend Rosemary Galvin used to say to me (quote) "Everyone's my friend till they give me a good reason to think otherwise" (end quote)

Look Ma, No Box

Brilliance occurs where you find it. Copernicus, even at risk to his own self, is renowned for his "out of the box" thinking. He simply flew in the face of classical thinking. There are others.

Newton was thinking outside the box. There was no theory of gravity prior to his realization. We can see that one man's speculation is another man's realization. Albert Einstein was delving into the extremes of known science when he formulated his theory. Intuitively he would have known he was on to the right track but had no way of proving it. He possibly had thousands of other ideas that he never shared with us.

This, completely out of the box, level of thought, as Nassim Haramein describes it, is exciting. Read Nassim's Blog/Journal

At this point there's no proof, and detractors will be quick to pick up on any flaws, but, ultimately, thinking outside of the box will be how science finds her way forward.

Nassim's track may, and especially if Bob is correct, lead him to a dead end, but Nassim will continue, right or wrong, to explore the possibilities, that's how Nassim's mind works.

Now, getting back on topic (deplorable), it's been said that Nassim is a fraud. Nassim has been likened to an insurance salesperson who takes people's money and doesn't deliver when the chips are down. Now, that's deplorable. That's just plain cheating.

However, Nassim, assuming he makes much of a living out of what he does, would find it difficult to get funding for his research considering that there's not much in the way of commercial possibilities from his research in the short run. And no, I personally think that he's not looking for free energy to continue the capitalistic consumer society, as some may do.

Looking for Money

If all Nassim wanted was fame and fortune, I think that given his intelligence, he'd find easier ways of making a quid than quantum physics research. Reading Napoleon Hill or even Seth Godin will yeild much faster, sustainable results than research.

I think that Nassim IS looking for money, but only to fund his research. It appears to be his passion.

Not a Zero Sum Game

And if anyone get's cheated it's probably a minor thing. I mean, the kind of people who follow Nassim are often the new age alternate society "freaks" who probably don't really care about money as much as the fact that Nassim can speak freely and continue his research, no loss there.

I, personally think that if I had a mind full of ideas like Nassim has I'd probably just ignore criticism as being too time and energy consuming and of little consequence. Criticism may well be as bad as the crime itself, the Srimad Bhagavatam states that in the first Canto.

So, is Nassam Haramein a fraud? Hard to tell. Whilst I'm not sure of his qualifications, the qualifications of his research associates look pretty good to me. Bob says yes, he is a fraud. I wouldn't know, nor is it my place to consider. I'll leave that judge and jury stuff up to God and let Him decide and reward or punish as only He knows how.

Meanwhile. Right or wrong, Nassim Haramein does say some fascinating things and he thinks some fascinating thoughts.

Joy to all beings

Feast or Famine

Feeding the Multitudes

IMHO it's better to provide a big feast for all of your good friends rather than to try to give half a mouthful to the entire city, simply because there isn't enough to go round.

At least your friends get to enjoy a really good feast and the rest of the population will probably never be aware that it even happened, so they won't feel left out. Of course, if everyone contributed to a huge communal feast, then everyone would be included. Naturally.

The Economics of Reality

This brings me to the world of theory. Economics shows us how to successfully compete, one business against another or one country against another. Actually a country is merely another business competing with other countries (businesses). When you think about it individuals are businesses too. Don't agree? That's your business.

In my mind, I tend to think that this is the most UNECONOMIC use of economic theory. Wouldn't it be more efficient if all countries/businesses cooperated to make sure that everyone was well situated?

According to the above statement, if I had more than you, it would make sense to ensure that I share the difference with you, unless of course, you have no use for it, that's another matter, or you were going to waste it on drugs and alcohol, etc.

So here we see that if one has more than required then we should contribute to the common good so that it's a win win situation. Nevertheless, many persons would merely waste their windfall and so it's best to give it to the person who can utilise it in the most sensible manner.

Only those who are 100% devoted servants of God have any idea of the actual nature of the common good. So, there you are, give all your excess funds (above and beyond what you actually need to survive without stress) to the pure devotee of the Lord and Bob's yer uncle.

Who's Bob? That's a good question. I'm thinking of asking him myself.

Joy to all beings

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Manthropology 100-1

Manthropology Lecture
Dr Buzz Fly

How to Become a Worm in Stool

The important thing about becoming a worm in stool is the process. By being mean of spirit and seeing only filthy things, like people who criticize others, one gains the ability to become attracted to the worm environment.

Thus if we lie, cheat, steal, publicly glorify ourselves whilst belittling others, etc, and, actively seeking every opportunity, criticize whenever the opportunity presents itself (like all the time you idiot), one's chances of becoming a worm in stool are greatly enhanced and quick success is assured.

Editor's note: to become a great soul, simply reverse the above process. Living in a positive world begins by getting rid of your negative outlook.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Have a Heart

Can you Prove that God Exists?

Some scientists believe that God exists, some don't. Scientists have not proven that God exists or "not exists" via any applicable scientific method, except for one scientist who apparently proved the existence of God, but whose math was way beyond my ability to comprehend; it might have been Kurt Godel but don't quote that, it's too long ago, I can't remember who it was. Google it if you want to know.

NB: yes, it was Kurt Godel. I looked it up out of curiosity. See: Godel's ontological proof

Still, scientists love to argue with each other about the applicability of each other's methods and whatever else might help their own case, each doing their best to prove the improbability of each other's work.

However, the fact that nobody has conclusively used scientific method to prove the existence of God does not mean that God doesn't exist. It merely evokes the possibility the God lies beyod the scope of current scientific method.

I have a friend who's atheistic. He like the ideas of Spinoza who's modus operandi is to poo poo the existence of everything that is not scientifically proven (I wonder if Spinoza could prove his own existence). I tried to explain to my friend that God is not something/someone that can be understood with the mind. Whilst the mind can be useful, in part, to lead us to an understanding of God, ultimately, God can only be understood by the heart.

When the heart is included in scientific method, existence, knowledge and joy all exist within each other. Understanding existence gives one the platform required to understand knowledge (consciousness), and understanding knowledge permits the understanding (experience) of bliss.

Everything exists within bliss, or joy. Joy contains everything else, which exists as a subset, not different from joy, but included within it.

God is everything and God is love are not mutually exclusive statements, and love is so very personal.

Those who are not very aware of it take little notice of consciousness and joy, living as they do within a rather impersonal, materialistic mindset.

Thus we define the mentality of scientific method, which, excluding almost everything of value, needs to take a couple of quantam leaps itself and utilise ALL that's available, especially joy.

Otherwise, science can merely delve within the impersonal fraction of everything, merely a portion of the existence platform, and will never be able to conclusively understand anything since everything is personal.

I found it rather fascinating when I recently read that Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist) recently mathematically proved that the universe has always existed, and that there never needed to be any original big bang.

Good one Stephen, I read that in the Bhagavad Gita more than 20 years ago. Still when scientists finally conclude their own limitations, God will give them the ability to understand.

Everything always exists because God always exists.

Some mind boggling, but not overly difficult physics from Nassim Haramein (theoretical physicist) also indicate that the smallest, scientifically conceviable distance, that of the wavelength of a photon, when cubed to form the smallest scientifically conceviable space (or volume) contains more energy than all of the mass in the entire universe.

It could be said that Nassim Haramein has defined the structure of the void. Amazing. And the void is impersonal. I can't wait till these guys get to analyzing the structure of joy.

After all, you are, yourself, a person, aren't you?
God is a person, you're a person. Hmmm!

Joy to all beings

How much What?

How is Love

Not what is love as much as "How is Love"?

Is love merely the absence of malice or is love more of a positive phenomenom, and not merely the negative of not-love?

This leads me to consider that without active participation, love cannot be said to exist. I mean an apple (or a brick for that matter) is not malicious but that doesn't mean an apple is love (not that it isn't, but that's another topic).

So for love to exist, our heart must actively participate. Like Neil Young said in A Man Needs a Maid, "To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be part of."

Thus we must be pro-active well wishers of those we love (and isn't that everyone according to their ability to accept love, which is the same as their ability to give love). And the more we associate with those who DO love the more we are able to love because it's so much easier to love someone who loves you. It's difficult to love someone who's always giving you a hard time (although it can be done if your love is strong enough).

Love, like a muscle, needs exercise.

How much love are you able to receive?

When you creatively give your kindness in every way that you possibly can then you are capable of receiving that same amount of love and interracting in a loving fashion with others, even with those who don't know the first thing about giving love. My dear Srila Gurudeva and lots of saints down through the ages have proven that this is true.

So, how is love? That's up to you, it's your choice. Look into your heart and find out.

How will you give love? That's up to you, it's your choice. Look into your heart and find out. After all everyone is a child of God, you can love them with all your heart even if you don't have any opportunity to interract with them.

So don't ask yourself "What is love?" Ask yourself "How is love?" Then, looking into your heart, utilise every opportunity to give love to whoever is nearby. Sometimes just letting people be who are are (who they think they are) is all that is necessary. Sometimes, people don't want to interact with you. Sometimes they do.

Give everything you've got to give and you'll always be able to give, even when it looks like there's nobody else there.

So, how is love? Let's find out.

Joy to all beings

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's a problem

Anxiety is a problem

Being dead isn't a problem

Worrying about being dead ... now there's a problem

Joy to all beings

Claytons thinking

Sounds like a plan

If you think about it but don't do it
... it's called daydreaming

If you think about it but do do it
... it's called achievement

If you don't think about it but do it
... it's called stupidity

Some people might call this imprudence, others call it spontanious action.
Whatever you call it, it has a high probability of disaster occurring.

Joy to all beings

Friday, June 17, 2011

An Apple a Day

Keeping you well

It's not all that long ago, perhaps about 40 or 50 years, that it was common knowledge that doctors were all about keeping you well and if by chance or misdeed, you were ill the doctors were there to get you back into good condition. How well I remember the old adage of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Somewhere along the way the captalist, consumerism mentality invaded the global mindset and everything changed for the worse. The "powers that be" decided that there was to be a "classless" society with two classes (or tiers if you like). The owners of capital and the workers. The owners made lots of money, huge amounts of money, the workers did lots of work (but they earned a little money, enough to join the capitalist revolution and purchase lots of stuff).

Please be aware that the western hemisphere governments decided this situation. Public schools were "invented" to train obedient children into becoming obedient adults who's purpose was to exist as factory fodder and front line fodder.

Make no mistake. This capitalist consumer society is a society of "free" slaves (and I'm not even remotely interested in politics, I'm simply relating historical events). Even social welfare is there to encourage consumerism. Welfare recipients spend all of their income so money is not tied up, plus it minimises crime, begging and revolution.

The owners of capital own factories, department stores, advertising firms, mining rights, television stations and broadcasting licenses, trucking firms, etc and provided all manner of goods and services for the community of capitalistic consumers. People are encouraged via advertising to purchase things. Advertising is designed to give the impression that happiness and consuming go hand in hand, and to a small degree, it does.

People get "happy" when they buy new things. Driving down the miracle mile in a new car can do wonders for one's ego and sex life, as well as for comfort and reliability. A new pair of jeans, a shirt, jacket and shoes and one can look great for the weekend. A certain amount of, shall we say ... pleasure or enjoyment, does go hand in hand with consumerism.

On top of enjoying the use of one's purchases, there exists a certain "snob value" above and beyond the monetary value of certain purchases. Rolls Royces, Ferraris, exclusive addresses for both business and home, caviar and champagne at expensive clubs and restaurants, holidays at St Moritz and the Riviera would fall within this category.

What's that brown stain on the fan?

But doctors are people too and thus via the process of economic advancement, they were encouraged to make more and spend more, even if it was spent on a new surgery and new radiological equpment. In this way, in times of yore, the economy thrived and people all had jobs, money and lots of "goodies".

However, to make more money, meant that doctors were not working in their own best interest if they were to keep their patients healthy. Not that the doctors could let their patients die, no, dead patients mean less income. But, if they could up the ante and earn more per patient capita, capitalist economic theory told them, they'd be better off. And being wealthy as well as wise, they'd be well respected. Healthy, wealthy, wise. Two out of three ain't bad.

If it looks too good to be true ...

Nowadays we see so many people of various ages who've been going to the doctor's surgery to be made well again, except that they aren't getting well, they have all sorts of reactions to pills and problems with paying for specialst treatment, whatever.

It seem that doctors, like motor vehicle mechanics, have a vested interest in keeping their patients slightly unwell. Not sick as dogs, but unwell enough to need constant medical treatment, prescriptions, tablets, referrals, proceedures, maybe occasionally, an operation. Whatever seems appropriate at the time to keep the industry buoyant and income streams flowing into one's pocket. in time, the pharmaceuticals industry displaced God as the number one need.

Whatever happened to the humble apple?

Apples, unfortunately, these days, are sprayed with all sorts of terrible toxic chemicals, not easily washed from the apple, so if you do eat apples that aren't the organic apple kind, chances are ... yep, you're gonna need a doctor.

Now, I'm not blaming the doctors. It's the "leaders" of society that decided that all this was better than living "lower on the hog" and working less and having less, although after the cycle turning full circle, it's come to that (more on that later).

... it probably is too good to be true.

The problems we have been creating for ourselves via rampant, competitive capitalism are not simply pollution and ill health, we now have an abundance of things to occupy our leisure time, but little leisure time. We own a plethora of things that don't get used. In short, we've become a mere cog in the capitalist machine with little to no benefit for ourselves. We go to work to make money not because we love what we do but to keep up appearances. And when we get home there's lots of work to do as well. Like squirrels running in squirrel cages we are merely cogs in a machine that makes us unhappy.

I work therefore I am

Work is fine, no problem with work, beats doing nothing. We even do it for fun, there's more effort goes into a good game of hockey than into an afternoon at the office.

And as for being a cog in a machine. There's nothing new there, I didn't make that up, people have been talking about that topic for the last fourty years. The difference now is that capitalism no longer works. Taxes are out of control, prices are out of control, food is no longer sustaining, medicine makes us sick, we're running out of salable resources and need to cut back on production, divorce rates "exceed marriages", and worse, we've all become so competitive that we can no longer trust each other.

We simply can't go on living like kings when we don't have the qualification to be kings. Kings are supposed to serve their people not exploit them. We are trying to be cheats and at the same time enjoy the pleasures of a heavenly life. It won't work that way. It's just too good to be true. Get back to reality. We neither need nor deserve a gigantic impersonal megapolis. We need a very personal, loving, garden of eden. Now we have both the opportunity and the need to build one, let's go for it.


The text books say that those born in the year of the buffalo (ox, for those that can't understand the difference) are conservative.

Let me ask you "Do I look CONSERVATIVE???"

Text books don't take into account being born Libra with Aries rising and being born into the "disfunctionalest" of dysfunctional families, plus growing up in the sixties. Jimi, Janis, free love, LSD, MaryJohanna, trusting in a bright economic future, Snoopy, Garfield, Eastern religions, the Dick Van Dyke show, Huckleberry Hound, the Vietnam disaster, Richard Nixon, Mad magazines, main-frame computers, protest marches etc, et-pukin-cetera.

No! NOT conservative. All that stuff tends to make one THINK about the way things are.

Which brings us to the new economic paradigm. Bhaktinomics.

Say that again and a little bit louder please ...


What's bhaktinomics?

Well, since the capitalist society has turned over in it's grave and most of its ardent followers are not yet even aware that it's long dead, we find ourselves perfectly poised to enter the new economic paradigm at the RIGHT time. As leaders, not as sheep following the "good" shepherd.

Bhakti is LOVE.

Give something away. Not a free offer, not a favour, not an extra 200 grams included with your product, not a buy one get one free offer. Give something away. Love is your NATURAL inclination, people that can't trust you can't love you. Make yourself so lovable that people can love you. So lovable that people want to give gifts to you. Not artificially, actually open your heart. Then happiness can come to you and everyone around you.

Bhaktinomics isn't too good to be true, bhaktinomics is about being true, true to yourself and to those around you. If you want it to work, it will work, simple as that.

Of course, there'd be no market for Valium, alcohol, crystal methylamphetamine, body piercing, poker machines, credit card applications, AK47s, rocket launchers, military uniforms, naval dockyards, da da da, but surely we can live with that.

Oh, and we didn't make this up, we simply saw the benefit of persuing Seth Godin's ideas to a more logical limit. By the way, Seth is Vice Chairman of Yahoo and possibly one of the most innovative thinkers on the planet today.

How does it work?

Whatever it is that you do, do it for free, give it to people. If they give you something, all the better. When I get to the point that I can no longer give away my services to all the people that want them, then I might have to train someone to help me. Someone might even ask "How much do I need to pay to make you willing to provide this service or product?"

Obviously, I might say "One pumpkin" or I might specify an amount of money.

Fine, I don't like pumpkins but I know someone that does and I'll give it to them.

By this method, we can generate a situation where people who need it seek your assistance, you can choose to assist or not, depends on the situation at hand. Anyone who cheats gets to be excluded and loses the benefits.

All those who still wish to retain their interruption advertising (those who interrupt your television programme or your magazine reading) may still do so, as they wish. Nothing is compulsory. Those people who find that Bhaktinomics works for them will soon abandon other systems.

Money is not evil, greed is evil

Money has it's uses. One economics professor told us that "Money is a convenient medium of exchange and also useful as a store of wealth."

It's not money that's a problem. The problem is the work and exploit consumeristic economic paradigm. It's a wasteful system, so much so that there'll be very little left in the way of certain renewable resourses for your children and grandchildren (due to renew cycle length exceeding generation duration), what to speak of non-renewable resources.

Our current consumer mentality encourages us to cheat others, it's a situation wherein one's image is more important than the truth. A society based upon cheats telling lies and scrambling to be top dog will limp forward at best, it is tantamount to the failure of the proverbial ship of fools. Time to stop holding yourself back.

Now that we're outside the box, we can really think out here.

Sooner or later we realise that we are living quite well without much in the way of money because we are being given everything that we need ... eventually we won't need money at all. And things that we don't need like bumper stickers on our car, Hello Kitty slippers, a swimming pool and patio to entertain business associates and to show off that we are "successful" go-getters, et-pukin-cetra. Well ... we don't need them, do we?

In fact, one's entire advertising budget is ZERO! And think about how many other costs no longer exist. If the doctor needs a new surgery people will build one and be extremely happy to do so. No more "What's up Doc?" just tolerance and cooperation.

You'll still need to work, but you won't need to work to provide useless things. Work hard to make people happy and spend your leisure time in the company of people you love and respect. If you find that you'll need a prison, then we'll build one, but I think that criminals are made not born. Happiness is the most valuable commodity there is, give some to somebody today.

Who knows, if our society is really nice, even God may come to join us.

Competition is for sportsmen, who said life is a sport?

During the interim stage it may be difficult at first to find enjoyable things to do with all our spare time but once we work it out there'll be no end of conversations with dear friends, gardening, neighbourhood cello concerts, bushwalking, till we get over the hump and things start happening super-spontaneously. But, at least we'll be able to breathe the air, eat the food produced, love each other, even strangers, without having to compete, and we won't have to put up with all those silly knick knacks and fads that nobody ever actually wanted in the first place.

What no ducks?

Wow! Can you imagine your parent's house without the plaster ducks on the wall?

Joy to all beings