Friday, October 3, 2008

Occidental Pollution

Chinese Take Away

I was half dreaming whilst dawn's left hand was in the sky (oops, apologies to Omar Khayyam) about a fisherman who caught a huge hammerhead shark off the south western coast of Jamaica near Savanna La Mar.

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He wanted to show off his catch and thus he put it on a trolley and with the help of friends and acquaintances he set off to drag it to the market place.

On the way to the marketplace they passed a group of Chinese tourists out for a morning constitutional. The shark, though apparently dead, was still alive and reached out and bit off the tip of the little finger of one of the Chinese tourists and then the shark immediately fell dead.

Does this indicate that everything coming out of China these days is highly toxic or is this just another repeat of the Olympics displaying the amazing prowess of the Chinese people?

Whether the former or the later, we've got to get back to simplifying our lives to protect this amazingly beautiful planet and thus make a little girl happy (Severn Suzuki). What more important task could there be to augment our lives? Let's make the planet green once more and breathe easy knowing that we are more than exploitative consumers. Let's be friends with people that we'll never meet by helping them to eat, sleep and breathe. Let's show love in our every moment. Don't just save the whales, save the sharks and everybody else besides.

Bless all souls


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