Friday, June 24, 2011

To Deplore or Not to Deplore

Deploratory Exploration

If one does the deplorable, surely one will be deplored.

Fraud is deplorable

In a continuation of a series of comments / replies on a previous topic

I would like to consider a situation wherein we simply accept one another as we are, whether we agree or not. Real evildoers (in theory, there's that word again) will be executed by the authorities. Not much we can do about that. It's a necessity. Minor cheating is going on everywhere. Not a lot we can do about that either. Clean up our own backyard sounds fruitful.

Science Without a Doubt

So this brings me to the question of are scientists likely to cheat, especially by trying to devalue each other's work to permit more credit to themselves. Scientists would probably disagree, lab rats would probably agree. Vedic wisdom teaches us that we are all cheats and that's why we find ourselves in this painful environment (looks like heaven, feels like hell, that's what I say).

Scientists, like the rest of us, have a similar set of frailties. Some are better some are worse. That's not to say that we can't accept them as much as we accept anyone else. My old friend Rosemary Galvin used to say to me (quote) "Everyone's my friend till they give me a good reason to think otherwise" (end quote)

Look Ma, No Box

Brilliance occurs where you find it. Copernicus, even at risk to his own self, is renowned for his "out of the box" thinking. He simply flew in the face of classical thinking. There are others.

Newton was thinking outside the box. There was no theory of gravity prior to his realization. We can see that one man's speculation is another man's realization. Albert Einstein was delving into the extremes of known science when he formulated his theory. Intuitively he would have known he was on to the right track but had no way of proving it. He possibly had thousands of other ideas that he never shared with us.

This, completely out of the box, level of thought, as Nassim Haramein describes it, is exciting. Read Nassim's Blog/Journal

At this point there's no proof, and detractors will be quick to pick up on any flaws, but, ultimately, thinking outside of the box will be how science finds her way forward.

Nassim's track may, and especially if Bob is correct, lead him to a dead end, but Nassim will continue, right or wrong, to explore the possibilities, that's how Nassim's mind works.

Now, getting back on topic (deplorable), it's been said that Nassim is a fraud. Nassim has been likened to an insurance salesperson who takes people's money and doesn't deliver when the chips are down. Now, that's deplorable. That's just plain cheating.

However, Nassim, assuming he makes much of a living out of what he does, would find it difficult to get funding for his research considering that there's not much in the way of commercial possibilities from his research in the short run. And no, I personally think that he's not looking for free energy to continue the capitalistic consumer society, as some may do.

Looking for Money

If all Nassim wanted was fame and fortune, I think that given his intelligence, he'd find easier ways of making a quid than quantum physics research. Reading Napoleon Hill or even Seth Godin will yeild much faster, sustainable results than research.

I think that Nassim IS looking for money, but only to fund his research. It appears to be his passion.

Not a Zero Sum Game

And if anyone get's cheated it's probably a minor thing. I mean, the kind of people who follow Nassim are often the new age alternate society "freaks" who probably don't really care about money as much as the fact that Nassim can speak freely and continue his research, no loss there.

I, personally think that if I had a mind full of ideas like Nassim has I'd probably just ignore criticism as being too time and energy consuming and of little consequence. Criticism may well be as bad as the crime itself, the Srimad Bhagavatam states that in the first Canto.

So, is Nassam Haramein a fraud? Hard to tell. Whilst I'm not sure of his qualifications, the qualifications of his research associates look pretty good to me. Bob says yes, he is a fraud. I wouldn't know, nor is it my place to consider. I'll leave that judge and jury stuff up to God and let Him decide and reward or punish as only He knows how.

Meanwhile. Right or wrong, Nassim Haramein does say some fascinating things and he thinks some fascinating thoughts.

Joy to all beings

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